Hello there!
When I discovered that I was pregnant in 2017 I was excited, but I very quickly started thinking and worrying about the ‘getting the baby out’ bit!
I told myself that giving birth was going to be awful, but I resigned myself to it, believing all the horror stories I’d heard. I buried my head in the sand for weeks trying to forget about the looming prospect of labour. But of course I had to face facts eventually and that’s when I started searching for something…anything to help me cope!
I’d heard people talk about Hypnobirthing but I dismissed it thinking that it wasn’t for me. But I kept seeing things about it, so even though I was still sceptical I went along to a taster session. It opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at childbirth. Once I realised that Hypnobirthing isn't a load of mumbo jumbo...it's based in the science of how your body and mind work...I was sold. I went on to take a full course and it changed my whole mindset. I really believe that the skills and knowledge I learned had a direct impact on how positive my birth experience was. Let me tell you a little bit about that…
I didn’t have what you might think of as a stereotypical Hypnobirth and it definitely didn’t go to plan! My daughter was born in the labour ward at Northampton General. There was no birth pool (even though a midwife-led water birth was my dream) and I ended up having an assisted delivery with forceps. To some people that might sound horrific, but I look back on that moment and I feel fantastic! I was calm, relaxed, confident and in control the whole way through. I spent most of my labour imagining I was on a fabulous beach in the Maldives…it was bliss! Even though the end of labour didn’t go to plan at all, I still loved my birth experience because I owned it! I made the informed decisions that felt right for me. I bossed my birth and it was all thanks to the skills I learned from Hypnobirthing.
Why should you trust me to support you?
I’m a big believer in freedom of choice. You want a drug-free, home birth in the water, that’s awesome. You want to birth in hospital with an epidural, that’s great. Planning an elective Caesarean, go for it! Your choices are your own…I’m not here to judge. It’s my role to put information at your fingertips to help you make the decisions that feel right for you.
I like practical things that make sense and I like to see the proof of something before I believe it. I was massively sceptical about Hypnobirthing in the beginning. It was only once I researched it and realised how logical it was that I saw the true value in it.
My passion lies in supporting and helping people. One of the things I loved about my previous career in cosmetics was the opportunity to support people in my team in pursuing their career goals. Now I’m applying that same energy to help you boss your birth!