Twins or multiples
Book recommendation:
Blogs/Birth stories to read:
Expecting Twins Blog by Mars Lord This is a fantastic blog by Mars Lord (amazing Doula!)
Birth Without Fear Blog - a collection of twin birth stories.
Twin Births using Hypnobirthing - two stories, one is a breech twin birth.
Twin birth in a hospital bath - incredible story of someone sticking to their guns and birthing in water.
Websites and support groups:
Twins Trust
MK Multiples Facebook group
Twin Sling Facebook group (baby wearing with twins)
Naturally Birthing Twins Facebook group
Birthing Multiples Naturally Facebook group
Milton Keynes Home Birth Support group
Home Birth UK Facebook group - this group is run by a Welsh Doula and has Twin birth stories and resources.
Feeding support:
Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets - website.
Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets - Facebook group.
Kathryn Stagg IBCLC - Lactation consultant who has had twins herself.