Jenny's Positive Caesarean Birth Story

Jenny’s birth was definitely not the birth she had planned, but her Hypnobirthing practice helped her remain calm and in control.

“The breathing techniques worked wonders calming me down in theatre and I knew all my options when in there”

Positive Caesarean C-Section birth story Hypnobirthing milton keynes northampton

My waters broke at 3pm with the loudest pop and lots of gushing! However, they were an icky brown colour so we called the hospital to double check things. They advised that I come in for monitoring straight away as baby could be in distress. I practised my breathing exercises in the car while Chris reassured me that whatever happened everything would be okay!

Once I got to hospital it was confirmed that baby had done a poo and that I would need to be induced straight away. However, I then had a scan that showed that she was breech (she had flipped again as she was in head down position at 38weeks!) and that changed everything meaning that a c section was the safest route for both me and baby. The doctor was great and discussed this with me and Chris while he was on the phone so we could make an informed decision. There was no pressure put on us for either c section or breech vaginal.

Once we had made the decision for a c section things moved very quickly and I was soon walking to theatre where Chris could join me. Every part of the c section process was explained to me by the most fantastic midwife which put me at ease. And before I knew it baby was being placed in my arms. I couldn’t have skin to skin straight away as she had to be checked over because of the meconium. But once in recovery, we had loads of skin to skin and she latched with ease for her first feed.

Definitely not what I had in mind or written for my birth plan but having discussed with Chris all possible scenarios, moving to plan C didn’t feel like a big deal at all I just felt like I could get on with it!

Positive Caesarean C-Section birth story Hypnobirthing milton keynes northampton

Massive congratulations Jenny and Chris! You absolutely smashed it!! 💪🏼

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Hypnobirthing nerd. Tea obsessed. On a mission to help you feel informed, supported, and respected so you can boss your birth…however it happens.